Using the special collections from NCSU Library system, the project focused on creating an “immersive” (cognitively, virtually, narrative-based) experience that utilize the hidden narratives embedded in the university culture. What platform we used to tell the story was open. Options included VR, AR, Experimental Animation, Interactive Visualization, Interactive installation, Projection Mapping, Motion-Based Interaction.
The goals for this project are threefold:
-Create an immersive experience that helps users explore specific articles from the Special Collections archive in a tangible way (not just as a standard picture of the object)
-Create linear and non-linear narratives that uncover lesser well-known stories embedded within the existing collection
-Explore new and unexplored methods for visualizing archives and a network of interrelated entries, while also diving into the specific connections of one narrative or theme.
How might the final experience address one or more of the following questions:
-How can a user experience change over time?
-How are parts of the collection or a narrative connected?
-What patterns emerge from the totality of the archive?
-How could you visualize differences of scale, where a user might start at a bird’s eye view and zoom into a specific event or (series of events) and then the background to that event?
-How could the user feel a part of the archive itself through the stories that are embedded in it, or as an immersive exploration of the special collections?
Six Targets -> Six linking stories
Vinyl QR targets incorporating publication covers
Testing image targets in Unity via webcam
Testing 3D content
Target content in Unity: Visiting lecture program
3D Scan of Roy Gusso’s Egg outside the College of Design
3D Scan of an original George Matsumoto model
Kamphoefner 3D Scan desk objects